
I'm a big fan of dvajs, it helps me get rid out of the boilerplate of redux. But I think redux-saga in dva sometimes can be a little bit verbose since I prefer functional reactive programming(frp) than imperative programming.

I know that reinvent the weel could be a terrible practice, but in dva community, there is no plan to support frp. At last, I decided to create reobservable, which, in a world, is a state manager mixined dva architecture and frp features(RxJS + redux-observable. In reobservable, dva architecture wiped out the boilerplate code of redux, RxJS played an elite role in managing asynchronous task.

If you:

  • love redux concept, love the predicatable, centralized, debuggable features
  • stuking with the boilerplate code of redux
  • want to use RxJS to managing asynchronous task

try reobservable!