
Just like dva, things interact with state are placed in a model. Previously, in plain reudx, we should manage our actions, action types and reducers in different places. But in dva, rematch or reobervable, boilerplate code was moved into the framework, we can focus on state management in a single model.

const model = {
  name: 'user',
  state: {
    list: [],
    total: 0,
    searchKey: '',
    error: null
  reducers: {
    fetchSuccess(state, payload) {
      return {
        list: payload.list,
    fetchError(state, payload) {
      return { ...state, error: payload.error }
  flows: {
    fetch(flow$, action$, state$) {
      return flow$.pipe(
        withLatestFrom(state$, (action, state) => {
          return {
            searchKey: state.searchKey
        switchMap(params => {
          return api.fetchUser(params).pipe(
            map(resp => ({
              type: 'user/fetchSuccess',
              payload: {
                list: resp.items,
                total: resp.totalCount
            catchError(error => of({
            	type: 'user/fetchError',
              payload: { error }

As shown above, a model is composed of the following parts:

  • name

    The name of the model which should be universally unique. It determines how to locate then state, action and reducer of the model.

  • state

    The initial state of the model.

  • reduers

    The key of any reducer in model's reducers is its name. For example, as shown above, we defined a reducer named fetch, then if the application dispatches a an action with type user/fetchSuccess, the reducer will be called to reduce the next state.

    In addition, if we defined a reducer named bar/fetchSuccess in this model, it will be responsible for the bar/fetchSuccess action.

    Now, you'd like to know that reducer is used to interact with synchronous action.

  • flows

    Just like reducers, every flow in flows is assiociated with an action by its name. Compare with reducer, flow is designed to interact with asynchronous action.

    A flow is like an epic in redux-observable, the concept of them is same, but the function signature is a little difference. The first argument of a flow is not action$, but a flow$ which means action$.ofType(model/flow).

    As shown above, we defiened a flow named fetch, when the application dispatches an user/fetch action, flow$ in fetch will emmit value.